Wednesday, May 5, 2021



    Interesting facts 

  • The larger number of children born to a woman is 69.

According to a local monastery's report to the government in Moscow, between 1725 and 1765 Mrs. Vassilyev popped out 16 pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets, and four sets of quadruplets, over 27 separate labors. The total: 69 children.

You can only imagine how a present-day newspaper editor would react to such fecundity, especially given the tabloid clamor in recent years over octuplet mother Nadya "Octomom" Suleman, who has 14 children, or the Radford family in Britain, which has 16 kids – and a TV show.

  • The world's most expensive spice is saffron 

Italian risotto, Spanish paella, and Indian curry all have something in common—saffron. People know the spice because of its very distinct flavor, bright color, and high price. Quality saffron can costSaffron's reputation as the most expensive spice in the world is because of the growing process. Only a small part of the saffron flower—the stigmata—is actually used for the spice. So it takes some 75,000 saffron flowers to make just one pound of spice. The stigmata are delicate, so harvesting and drying them is a costly, manual job. around $3,000 for just two pounds.

  • Grapes explod when you put them in microwave  

The trio of researchers has published their work in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

They recreated viral videos that showed YouTubers cutting a grape in half, leaving only a sliver of skin connecting the two halves, and then microwaving the fruit.

Within seconds of being microwaves, the two halves of a grape would suddenly explode into a fireball, despite not containing any obviously flammable material.

A baby cannot taste salt until it is 4 months old.
  Infants’ ability to detect salt taste is mainly measured by the quantity the infant ingests, sucking patterns, and facial expression in response to ingestion of water solutions with different concentrations of salt. Because of the nature of these measurements, it is hard to distinguish between infants’ ability to detect sodium and infants’ preference for, or liking of, sodium.

Your brain uses 20% of the total oxygen and blood in your body.
A piece of brain tissue the size of a grain of sand contains 100,000 neurons and one billion connections—all talking to one another! You continue to make new neurons (brain cells) throughout life in response to mental activity and new learning (physical exercise helps too!)

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