Friday, April 30, 2021

Class 8 Geography chapter - 1 RESOURCES



                      Geo- chapter 1 (Resources)  

     Geography question and answer 

Q-1. How is the resource different from gift of nature? 

Ans- Nature has a large variety of rocks, soils,  mineral,  natural vegetation and animals. These are called gifts of nature.  

Resource refers to all the materials available in our environment which help us to satisfy our needs. 

Q2. What are the factors that determine the utility of any natural resource? 

Ans. The utility of any natural resources is determined by the following factors :-

  • The form in which it occurs 
  • The place where it occurs 
  • The efforts needed to process it 
The cost of processing it. 

Q3. Human beings are an important resource .justify your answer

Ans. The greatest resource of the Earth is human beings they are capable of making the best use of natural resources through their knowledge skills and Technology only human beings can Discover exploit develop and convert the available of the potential resources into useful products for wealth.

Q4. Define conservation of resources and sustainable resources.

Ans. Using natural resources carefully without wasting them is called conservation of resources when we use natural resources properly for today's need and also conserve them for future generation it is called sustainable development.

Q5. With the help of examples explain how the gifts of nature can become resources with the passage of time.

Ans.  The gifts of nature may become valuable resource with the passage of time for example a waterfall is a gift of nature It has force which can be used to drive a water wheel when a technique developed to harness this force of falling water it become a resource nowadays falling water is used to generate hydroelectricity thus,  this gift of nature has become a valuable resource.

Q6. Classify resources with the examples

Ans. Our earth has enough resources these are the naturally classified into natural resources ,human made resources and human resources.

  • Natural resources 
The natural endowment such as Land, air water, soil ,minerals, natural vegetation and fossil fuels are known as Natural Resources.

  • Human-made resources 
Human beings are capable of changing Sach natural resources into useful products they use their knowledge and skills to develop technology they convert the natural resources into useful products human beings use natural resources to develop building roads machinery and vehicles these are known as human made resources technology is also an example of human made resources.

  • Human resources  
They are capable of making the best use of natural resources through their knowledge skills and Technology education and good health have helped human beings to become a valuable resource.


Q7. Distinguish between renewable and nonrenewable resources.

Ans. Renewable resource 

Resources which can be renewed by the reproduction are called renewable resources they can also be renewed by physical mechanical or chemical processes some of these resources are unlimited like solar and wind energy these are called inexhaustible resources. 

Non renewable resource 

The resources which are available in fixed quantity is like mineral and fossil fuels are called non renewable or exhaustible resources these resources once exhausted cannot be replaced.


Q8. Why is the conservation of resources essential?

Ans. With the scientific and technological process human beings started using resources at a much larger scale this continuous rise in population also caused an increasing demand for resources this created a situation in which the non renewable resources could be exhausted after sometime therefore a balance between population growth and utilisation of resources is absolutely necessary.

Q9. Why do you think the use of resources should be sustainable?

Ans. The use of resources should be sustainable in the recent times a lot of awareness about Preservation and conservation of resources has been created due to the fear of a situation which may arise as a result of large scale destruction of the natural resources each one of us has to make a sincere effort to save our natural resources for the future of our planet if we use resources too much they will and and if we conserve resources too much then they will become waste.
















-kanika chauhan 

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