The 10 of 10 of Lord Vishnu the 10 avatars of Lord Vishnu are collectively known as the dasavatara
Lord Vishnu Brahma and Shiva together from the world it is to be said that the first four avatars of Lord Vishnu are said to have appeared in the krutha Yuga the next three avatars appeared in the Treta Yuga the eight incarnation in the dwapara and the ninth in the Kalyug 10th is predicted to appear at the end of the kalyuga in some 427000 years time the dasavtara of Lord Vishnu are
1.matasya this was the form of fish taken up by Vishnu during a time that submerged the Earth
2.-Kurma in this incarnation the lord Vishnu took the form of tortoise
3. Vahara is the third after of Vishnu who appeared in order to defeat the demon hiranyaksha
4. Narsimha the combination of men and lion Narsimha represent another of the power of Vishnu
5. Vamana the next incarnation of Vishnu is vamana are the do if this is his fifth after and the first incarnation of the second age Treta Yuga
6.parasurama - Vishnu took the form of prashu Rama the sixth Avatar born as the son of sage couple
7.Rama- in Hindus he is considered to be the 7th of tar of Vishnu and an important manifestation of God Vishnu come in the form of Rama to rescue the world from the demon Ravana
8.- Krishna Lord Krishna is the ninth incarnation of Lord Vishnu and the most popular of all his incarnation Lord Krishna was the character of Arjuna in the battle of Kurukshetra in Mahabharata
9. Buddha Gautama Buddha is mentioned as an avatar of Lord Vishnu in puranic text of Hinduism Lord Vishnu took up the author of Buddha to purify Hinduism of excessive ritualism
10. Kalki is the only after that Vishnu is set in future Kal Ki 10th and the last of the power of the Vishnu will ride forth on a horse to redeem humankind in the re- established righteousness
~kanika chauhan~